Myers-Briggs Type
My Myers-Briggs type is INTP. It stands for
Introverted, i
Thinking, and
Perceiving. For me this is telling me some things that I already know like the fact that I'm an introvert. I am fully aware of the fact that I enjoy spending my time inside with few to no people because interacting with lots of people just isn't my cup of tea. In all honesty I never really put me and intuitive thinking together before now but, it does make sense. I don't always use reasoning to do things I just do them because I want to or it feels right to do them. Being perceptive is another thing that I hadn't really thought of before now as well. To me it's easy to figure stuff out by looking and just gathering information without interacting but, I do like asking questions anyways. I'm also constantly thinking of other things that could be going on behind the scenes. Like in Romeo and Juliet how Friar Laurence is kind of the reason they both committed suicide. He married them both and then he gave Juliet the potion to put her to sleep and didn't send the letter to Romeo until the day before this plan went through. Being skeptical and looking for reasoning that's beneath the surface is honestly really fun for me.
What My Type Tells Me
Personally I think my type describes me pretty well there are just some little things that aren't true for me. Like I'm definitely not a quiet person all the time. For me it's like everyone can hear me or no one can. There's almost no in between for me. the parts about being passionate about innovation I feel like is pretty true since I do really like figuring out new and interesting ways to portray different things through multiple medias. I also do use my own reasoning for things instead of doing things how they're typically done so that definitely fits my personality. Me focusing on things I don't like is hard but if I really am interested in what I'm doing all of my time will go towards finishing it how I want.
My personality does explain some things like who I hang out with and why I think the way I do to a certain point. Like there are things that I already knew and now I have words to put with it such as me being perceptive. Then there's the introvert part which is pretty true and I've known that for a phat minute because it's kind of obvious. Most of my friends are introverted but we all enjoy each others company to end so I guess that makes sense. In another way I have many extroverted friends but we get along the same as I would with any of my friends. So, being an INTP explains some things but not all.
I don't think my personality type clarifies what role I'd like or am good for in a team. When I'm doing a group project I like to take a leadership role because I understand how I and other people I work with want things done and I'm good at finding a mixture of everyone's ideas. When I'm not in a leadership like role I like figuring out how things are going to work and the overall aesthetic of the project. I love being creative and I feel like finding out how things are going to look is a strong suit of mine. Otherwise I'm down to do anything to help make whatever project that's being worked on good and worth looking at.
There are definitely things about my personality that people either haven't understood or just forgot about which has caused issues. I haven't really had any super serious issues that happened because of my personality type though. It's usually just like I want to go home and be alone for a bit because I'm tired or can't deal with anyone at the moment but that's not very serious. There have been some times where I've had to compromise on the way I think something should look because other people think that it's not a good idea or the final product won't look to good if it's done that way but in all honesty that doesn't matter too much to me.
Honestly I don't think I learned much from this test since I knew it prior to taking it. Some things about myself just got words for them but that's about it.
Lion, Otter, Beaver, or Golden Retriever?
After the Myers-Briggs personality test we took another personality test that was based around whether you were a lion, otter, beaver, or golden retriever. I got lion which seems pretty cool because they're big and powerful animals who are very prideful. But everyone and everything has weaknesses. The weaknesses that were listed for the lion are that they're argumentative and too dictatorial. I'm not really dictatorial so I can't relate to that part but I'm definitely an argumentative person. The limitations that were under the lion category are that they have a hard time expressing and they don't always understand that directness can hurt others. Again with this one I only identify with one out of the two of those. I am fully aware that directness can hurt other people and you can't just say everything you want because sometimes it's just rude or hurtful. On the other hand I do find it hard to express certain things just because I don't want to be judged or it makes me uncomfortable feeling like I have to tell everyone how I'm feeling or what I like. Last but not least are the strengths that come with the lion. They are strong, goal-oriented, and direct. Honestly I relate to these a lot especially goal-oriented and direct. If I have a certain goal in sight I will do everything I need to do to get that done and done well. I'm also a pretty direct person and I don't like to beat around the bush because that makes it harder to communicate your points at times. So in general I'd say that lion fits me pretty well.
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