Color Schemes in Logos
Color Scheme Logos
The Tostitos logo uses the analogous colors of red-orange, orange and yellow. I believe the company chose these colors to symbolize warmth and give of an appetizing feeling. Sprite has green, yellow-green, and yellow in it's analogous color scheme. The company may have chosen this because the cool colors make the drink seem refreshing.
The Fanta logo uses the colors blue and orange as complements to each other. These colors could have been chosen because they look nice and clean but also fun and fresh. Krispy Kreme donuts have red and green as the colors in the company's logo. I believe those colors were chosen because they give off a very comforting feel.
Monkeys' logo is monochromatic but, you can find different variations of it. The most used one is black, white, and usually grey. I think they use these colors to portray their grunge music style. Cartoon Network also uses black, white, and grey. I believe they made this choice because everything else about the channel is very bright. The colors in the logo really pop against all of the vibrant colors.
McDonalds is known for it's warm yellow arches and red background. Warm colors give off an appetizing feeling which is most likely why they chose yellow and red. Lays also has yellow and red as the colors in their logo. Since they are a chip company they would want to use these warm colors to give an appetizing feeling.
Rick and Morty being a sci-fi like cartoon they have cool colors in their logo. In many sci-fi-fi movies and tv shows they will use blue and green in their logo to make you think about science. Cool Whip's logo is mainly blue. They most likely chose to use blue because of how it symbolizes cold and you want your whipped creme to e nice and cold.
Arctic Monkeys' logo is monochromatic but, you can find different variations of it. The most used one is black, white, and usually grey. I think they use these colors to portray their grunge music style. Cartoon Network also uses black, white, and grey. I believe they made this choice because everything else about the channel is very bright. The colors in the logo really pop against all of the vibrant colors.
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